Resignation Announcement of AFR Vice Secretary-General

Ms. Judy C.F. Chang, Vice Secretary-General of the Association of Foreign Relations (AFR), will be
posted abroad to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh City on October 31,
2016, and has thus resigned from her position in the AFR effective this mid-October.
AFR V.S.G. Chang is currently Consul on Home Assignment to the Institute of Diplomacy and
International Affairs (IDIA), ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and has been posted to Malaysia, the
United States and Vietnam during her diplomatic career. While serving in the IDIA, she gained
approval to perform unpaid work outside employment to participate in and advise on the AFR
affairs. AFR Chairman Ou thanks Ms. Chang for her selfless assistance and believes her second
overseas assignment to Vietnam will benefit greatly to Taiwan’s relationship with Vietnam. 
Best wishes for her future endeavors are hereby attached in this announcement.