10月8日上午,對外關係協會、淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所與中華戰略前瞻協會聯合主辦「美國總統大選後台海情勢走向」座談會,會中邀請美國前APEC資深官員、前AIT副處長王曉岷(Bob Wang)主談,本會會長林永樂、常務監事夏立言、淡大國際事務與戰略研究所所長李大中、助理教授林穎佑、中華戰略前瞻協會秘書長揭仲,偕同本會宋子正大使、中華戰略前瞻協會研究員盧宸緯、淡大國際事務與戰略研究所研究生等共同出席。會中一起討論了美國總統大選的變數與可能情況,以及民主共和兩黨候選人當選之後,對中國大陸政策的走向,同時也探討了兩岸關係跟美國總統大選結果之影響。
On the morning of October 8, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy at Tamkang University, and the China Association for Strategic Foresight jointly hosted a symposium on "China's Situation Trends After the U.S. Presidential Election." Former U.S. APEC senior officials and former AIT deputy officials were invited to the symposium. Director Wang Xiaomin (Bob Wang) presided over the discussion. President of the Association Lin Yongle, Executive Supervisor Xia Liyan, Director of the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy Li Dazhong, Assistant Professor Lin Yingyou, and Secretary-General of the China Strategic Foresight Association Jie Zhong, accompanied by the Association Ambassador Song Zizheng, researcher at the China Strategic Foresight Association Lu Chenwei, and graduate students at the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy at TSU attended the meeting. During the meeting, the variables and possibilities of the U.S. presidential election were discussed, as well as the direction of policies toward mainland China after the candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties were elected. The impact of cross-strait relations and the results of the U.S. presidential election was also discussed.