Live: Seminar on The Risks to Asian Peace - Avoiding Paths to Great Power War
Live (videos): Seminar on "The Risks to Asian Peace: Avoiding Paths to Great Power War"
Ambassador Andrew Li-Yan Hsia, Chairman of the Association of Foreign Relations (AFR), moderated a keynote panel session featuring General John Allen, President of the Brookings Institutions, June 17, 2019 at 12:50-13:30, in the Seminar on "The Risks to Asian Peace: Avoiding Paths to Great Power War," Asia Launch of Brookings FP Project “Sustaining the Long East Asian Peace.” Click on the links below to watch it and other panel sessions live! (All live videos at
The event fell on June 17 (Mon.), 2019, 9:00AM-4:00PM at Grand Hall, Palais de Chine Hotel, Taipei City. It was organized by the Center for East Asia Policy Studies, Brookings Institution & College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University (NCCU); co-organized by Department of Diplomacy, Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, and International Master’s Program in International Studies at NCCU; and sponsored by ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC Mainland Affairs Council, and National Chengchi University.
Opening Remarks by John Allen & Framing Remarks by Richard C. Bush:
Keynote Session / John Allen, President of the Brookings Institutions & AFR Chairman Andews L.Y. Hsia:
Session II / Cross-Strait Relations (AFR Secretary-General Kwei-Bo Huang was one of the panelists):
Session I / New Fronts of Geo-economic Rivalry and Collaboration (AFR Advisor Kristy Tsun-Tzu Hsu was one of the panelists):
Conference Agenda: