A voice for the country, AFR Secretary-General delivers speeches and talks in Toronto and Boston
Professor Kwei-bo Huang, Secretary-General of the Association of Foreign Relations (AFR), spoke on whether strategic clarity or strategic ambiguity should be adopted in the management of cross-Strait relations on 10 January 2019 at the York Centre for Asian Research, York university, Toronto, Canada. The talk was hosted by Professor Abidin Kusno, Director of the York Centre for Asian Research, York university.
Huang later joined a panel organized by Mary Yntema, President and Chief Executive Officer of WorldBoston, and exchanged his views on Taiwan’s present-day domestic affairs, economic prospects, cross-Strait relations and public opinion with WorldBoston members and the academic community in Greater Boston. Huang, on behalf of AFR, paid a return visit to Yntema who visited AFR at the end of last year. Professor Ren-Rang Chyou, Dean of College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University, also attended the meeting.
During the trip, Huang and Chyou visited the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto. In addition to introducing AFR, he also explored opportunities of future exchanges between AFR and international relations experts from both the United States and Canada.

Panel on "Taiwan Today," organized by WorldBoston at Boston University. On the short edge of the upper right is Mary Yntema, President and Chief Executive Officer of WorldBoston.