Dr. Evan S. Medeiros speaks on Future of Security and Prosperity in the Asia-Pacific
Dr. Evan S. Medeiros, managing director for Asia at the Eurasia Group and former senior director for Asia at the
US National Security Council, spoke on the future of security and prosperity in the Asia Pacific at Shangri-La Far Eastern Plaza Hotel (2nd floor) on Thursday, 17 December 2015 at 10 am. The event was sponsored by the Association of Foreign Relations (AFR) and moderated by Dr. Samuel S. G. Wu, AFR director and president of Development International Investment Corporation.
Approximately 120 foreign and local distinguished guests attended the event, including Mr. Nicholas Consonery, director of Eurasia Group's Asia practice; Dr. Man-Jung Chan, ROC legislator; Paul S. P. Hsu, chairman and CEO of PHYCOS International Co., Ltd.; Dr. Charles I-hsin Chen, ROC Presidential Office spokesperson; Ambassador Christine M. Y. Hsueh, director-general for North American Affairs of ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ambassador Larry R. L. Tseng, director-general for the Protocol Department of ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ambassador Chih-min Lan and Ambassador Ming-yen Wu, AFR director and supervisor.
▲Dr. Evan S. Medeiros (right) spoke of US-Taiwan relations and security issues in the Asia-Pacific

▲Dr. Samuel S. G. Wu (left), AFR director and president of Development International Investment Corporation

▲ Dr. Man-Jung Chan, ROC legislator (left)

▲Dr. Evan S. Medeiros (right) and Dr. Samuel S. G. Wu