Seminar on Global Security and the Rule of Law

Global Security and the Rule of Law

On March 27, 2015, AFR hosted a widely-attended seminar on Global Security and the Rule of Law. The Association was honored to welcome Italy's former Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Giulio Terzi, and Italy's former Deputy Minister of Economic Development, H.E. Adolfo Urso, as special guest speakers to discuss Italy and the EU’s experiences with recent human rights challenges in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. 
The seminar focused on the role of human rights and rule of law as crucial components for sustainable peace and successful national development. The speakers described how the human rights challenges affecting the borders of the EU, exacerbated by the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS), were highly relevant to Asia, and in the bigger picture, global security. 
Chairman Ambassador Francisco H. L. Ou of AFR delivered opening remarks and Dr. Ming Lee, Dean of the College of International Affairs at National Chengchi University, sponsored the seminar. Dr. Chong-ko Tzou from the Graduate Institute of European Studies at Tamkang University served as moderator. 


▲  Italy's Former Minister of Foreign Affairs H. E. Ambassador Giulio Terzi and Italy's Former Deputy Minister of Economic Development H. E. Adolfo Urso (From right to left)

▲  Ambassador Giulio Terzi and Doctor Ming Lee
▲  Ambassador Giulio Terzi and Doctor Ming Lee