On March 5, AFR Board Director Dr. Alexander Huang joined keynote speaker Yanagisawa Kyoji (current Director of the International Geopolitics Institute Japan and former Japanese Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary); and panelists Professor Koichi Nakano (Sophia University, Japan), Professor Shohei Eto, (Hitotsubashi University (Official), Japan), Professor Ho Szu-Shen (Fu Jen Catholic University , Taiwan), and Professor Hiromichi Matsuda (International Christian University, Japan) to discuss the “Taiwan Contingency” and Japanese-Taiwanese relations. 

All speakers emphasized the importance of engaging in intentional dialogue between Japan, Taiwan, China, and the United States in order to maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait. 

On Japan’s exercise of self-defense:
Due to a gradual shift of politics to the right, Japan’s remilitarization efforts are strong (by 2027 they will have the third strongest military defense behind America and China). - Professor Koichi Nakano
Since Taiwan is not a UN member state, Japan’s use of collective self-defense IS NOT justified if Taiwan is invaded but would be justified if the US were to get involved. - Professor Shohei Eto

On Japanese-Taiwanese Relations:
Japan must first confront its historical transgressions in order to engage in and promote Cross-Strait dialogue. - Professor Koichi Nakano
The "Taiwan Contingency" involves both multi-domain, military contingency (military conflict, the establishment of a gray zone, etc.) and economic contingency (in the form of trade and air or maritime traffic restrictions). -Dr. Alexander Huang

The guest speakers concluded that especially with the younger generation, it is important to facilitate dialogue and intellectual cooperation so that we may encourage multilateral conversations with all parties.