Current Position
- Secretary-General, Association of Foreign Relations (AFR), Taiwan (ROC)
- Associate Professor, Department of Diplomacy, NCCU
- Founding Director, Center for Foreign Policy Studies, NCCU College of International Affairs
- Founding Director, Center for Global and Regional Risk Assessment, NCCU College of International Affairs
- Director, Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association, Taipei, Taiwan (ROC)
- Director of the Board, Ma Ying-jeou Foundation, Taiwan (ROC)
Past Positions/Experiences
- Member of Advisory Committee, Mainland Affairs Council, The Executive Yuan, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC (Sep. 2014–Sep. 2016)
- Founding Director, International Master’s Program in International Studies (IMPIS), NCCU (Aug. 2012–Jul. 2013)
- Director, IMPIS Preparatory Office, NCCU (Oct. 2011–Jul. 2012)
- Visiting Fellow, Center for East Asia Policy Studies (CEAP), Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. (Mar. 2012 – Jun. 2012)
- Deputy Director, Department of International Affairs, Ma Ying-jeou & Wu Den-yih National Presidential Campaign Office (Oct. 2011–Jan. 2012)
- Chairman, Research and Planning Committee, ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Feb. 2009–Jan. 2011)
- Vice President, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (TFD), Taipei (Jul. 2009–Jan. 2011)
- Board Member, The Prospect Foundation, Taipei (Nov. 2009–Jan. 2011)
- Fulbright Visiting Scholar, China Studies Program, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. (Sept. 2009–Dec. 2009)
- Executive Secretary, Chinese American Society, Rockville, Maryland, USA (March 1997–May 2001)
- Ph.D., Government and Politics, University of Maryland, College Park (May 2001)
- M.A., Political Science, The George Washington UniversityLL.B., Diplomacy, National Chengchi University
Research Interests
- international conflict management & negotiation
- US foreign policy and decision-making toward the Asia Pacific
- security issues of Southeast Asiapublic diplomacy
Recent English Publications
- Kwei-Bo Huang, "Bringing Ethics of Global Governance Back In: A case study of Taiwan," Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal, Vol.6, No.1. (April 2020) (forthcoming)
- Kwei-Bo Huang, “The United States and Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations after 1979,” Asian Journal of International Studies, Vol. 24-1 (June 2019), pp. 21-35.
- Kwei-Bo Huang, “The Origins of the ASEAN Community’s Humanitarian Component,” Chinese Journal of International Review, Vol.1, No.1 (April 2019), pp. 89-109.
- Kwei-Bo Huang, "More International Space for Taiwan or Less?," in Andre Beckershoff and Gunter Schubert, ed., Assessing the Presidency of Ma Ying-jiu [jeou] in Taiwan (London: Routledge, 2018), pp. 249-274.
- Kwei-Bo Huang, "Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy: Background, Objectives, Framework and Limits", UNISCI Journal, Vol. 46 (January 2018), pp.47-68.
- Kwei-Bo Huang, "Taiwan's Foreign Policy and International Space," in Gunter Schubert, ed., Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan (London: Routledge, 2017), pp. 465-481.
- Kwei-Bo Huang, "The Politics of Mainland China’s Economic Statecraft in Relation to Current Cross-Strait Relations,” in Mingjiang Lee and Natalie Yan Hong, ed., China’s Economic Statecraft - Co-optation, Cooperation and Coercion (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2017), pp. 1-35.